Tree Pruning/Trimming

Tree Pruning/Trimming

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Tree Pruning / Trimming

Tree growth needs to be controlled and directed. This allows for efficient use of the tree's energy, along with keeping it looking good!

Similar to us people, our focus and energy must be directed a certain way. Tree require regular pruning. Branches will grow in every direction while a tree develops. The branches can also die and become home to insects that may harm the tree.

Also, having a well trimming tree makes for good curb appeal!

Tree pruning is vitally important. It helps to grow a tree faster and stronger. This is especially needed for fruit baring trees. The energy must be directed towards the fruit and promote growth of healthy branches.

Another situation to watch out for is when front or backyard tree branches reach the house. This allows for animals and critters to make nests in corners on the roof. They may potentially crawl into the attic, causing damage and requiring removal.

There are many more reason tree will need trimming during it's lifetime.

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